Toyota Sales Event

Sing with me, America!

Sing with me, America!

How do you make America's most effective automotive campaign of all time even more effective? The answer is obvious: a coutry duet.

How do you make America's most effective automotive campaign of all time even more effective? The answer is obvious: a coutry duet.

The "Sales Event Duet" spot was the lead commercial in the Toyota Clearance Event effort, which turned out to be the most effective campaign in the "Jan" era, since its conception. It was also the most watched (and certainly hummed) commercial of August, which means people didn't change the channel as much when it came on.

Below, a couple of other spots from the same campaign.

TV Spot "In The Know"

TV Spot: "Anteater" 

Some people stop at sloth. We went all the way to anteater.

As a cuteness bonus, check out this :15 spot featuring Trevor, the anteater. Jan was mean to him, but hopefully that doesn't amount to aniamal cruelty.

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