We gave every part of our campaign a lesson aspect, and assembled a team of driving masters to teach our audience how to master the drive and turn everyday situations into exciting feats of driving skill.
Launch Film - Assembling the best drift drivers in the world
Lesson 1 - Fasterfood
Lesson 2 - Escape Work
Lesson 3 - Claim Your Spot
Lesson 4 - Dance In The Rain
6-Second Thrills
Digital Impressions
Quarterly Sales Increase
Visitors to FasterClass Landing Page
Say hi. Shoot me an email at leo@leorosaborges.com
Toyota Highlander LaunchSuper Bowl 2020
Adidas The Female FieldActivation + PR
Mountain Dew The Common GroundActivation + PR
UN Women Autocomplete TruthPR + Print
GR86 FasterclassContent + Video + Digital
Images That SpeakColletion of Print + OOH
The Hydrogen-Powered MiraiDigital-First Campaign
Iconic IKEAPOS + Direct + Design
MG RX9Film + Print
Toyota Sports CampaignBroadcast Campaign
Fanta Orange MENAVideo + Print + Stunt
Toyota Sales Event DuetBroadcast Campaign
Happy Honda DaysBroadcast Campaign
Various ProjectsIdentity + Design
Honda Fit Launch360 + Video Content