Toyota Highlander Super Bowl Commercial

Spacious, capable and fun.

Spacious, capable and fun.

Our Super Bowl idea had to beat over 1000 other ideas (no joke) from all Toyota agencies to make it to the screen. It's easy to be funny and entertaining – the hard part is to do that while nailing the brief.

Behind the scenes with Cobie Smulders

CNN puts Toyota's "Heroes" amongst Super Bowl winners.

"How roomy is the Highlander? Very cleverly, you can use it rescue people from perilous movie situations."

 "If the ad is meant to convey action and comfort at once, it does exactly that—and entertains along the way." 

Poster Art We even created movie posters to represent the 3 movies our hero travels through, saving the day.


Here are some expresions of love from the interwebs:

Turns out, America loves tiny people living inside a little wooden house. This whimsical Christmas campaign was such a success, Honda continued it for another 2 years after its debut in 2015. Let's see what happens this year!


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