March 11, 20154 Comments

Creative Advice for my Little Brother

My little brother (who’s now taller than me) is a talented computer programmer who comes from a family with no background in IT whatsoever. He’s been accepted as an intern at Facebook and he’s carving a promising career for himself without any borrowed influence, and that’s something to be admired. I obviously want him to make the best out of his opportunity, so below is the best creative advice I can give him.

Software development has emerged as one of the most creative fields of our era, so I hope he’ll find some use to the lessons I’ve leaned about creativity – and work life – from my career in advertising. So here it goes:

Dear brother,

1. Learn the rules so you know how to break them.

It’s an absolute pleasure to understand how something works. To master a programming language like you do, for instance, and understand how things work behind a user’s interface must be a pretty great feeling.

Once you master something, you understand its limitations. And only then you can try to overcome those limitations – by breaking the rules you mastered. This is the golden rule of creativity. New results will not be achieved by doing the same thing that has been done before.

The funny thing is that the same principle can be applied to different aspects of life – like your work environment, for instance. When you join a company (specially a big one), you always hear things like “oh, you’ll never be able to get into his calendar” or “The boss doesn’t really have time for us” or “don’t bother presenting new ideas, they never buy it”. Stuff like that and the sheer vibe of the office will make you feel like you should act in a certain way. Those are the rules – and once you know them, you can break them. Try and get that proactive idea in front of the boss, try to get into the calendar of people who may be able to help you, call their extension rather than sending an email. Chat them up by the water cooler. Do what others won’t dare and make sure you have your elevator pitch ready.

2. There’s no shame in ignorance. There’s shame in remaining ignorant.

The way I see it, the kind of person who can make the most damage in a collaborative work environment are those who pretend they know what they don’t. Those who never say “I don’t know”. It’s either an effort to look good in front of others or they are simply ashamed of not knowing something. The curious mind is not ashamed of ignorance; it exposes it so it can be extinguished. How can anyone teach you something if they think you already know it?

An internship is THE place to be curious, to ask questions, to learn. “What do you mean by that?”, “What does that acronym stand for?”, “How did you do that?”, “Can you show me how?” and other phrases like these should be part of your day-to-day. Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know”, but be ready to chase the answers. The more knowledge you have, the greater your creative potential.

3. Learn from everyone else’s mistakes, too

Learning from your own mistakes: that comes naturally. What’s even more useful – and certainly a tad harder – is to learn from everyone else’s mistakes. It’s harder to learn something you didn’t experience yourself, but it is in truth the only way to improve beyond your own limits.

We learn from someone else’s mistakes when we read a book, watch a movie, when we watch someone fail and succeed, etc. – and when we are given advice.

An advice is knowledge detached from experience – and that missing connection may lead us to disregard them. I do remember being on the receiving side of very valuable advice as a young man. I didn’t pay attention to those, just because I didn’t know I’d need it. Looking back, all I wish is I had the experience I have now when I was your age, so now it’s my turn to give out advice.

Pay extra attention to advice send your way by more experienced people – at work or otherwise (you should also ASK for advice. See #2). It may not make sense at first, but if you write it down and keep it in mind, it will eventually make sense. It just might be the answer to a problem you don’t have yet.

4. There’s always a different way of doing things

As a programmer, you're aware of this one. In programming, there’s always a more efficient way to make things work, there’s always a way to optimize code to make it faster, or use less processing power. You told me that yourself. This approach to problem solving can be applied in the real world as well.

Creativity comes into play when we actively look for solutions beyond the obvious. “What’s another way to do this?” is a question you should ask yourself not only when you’re writing code, but all the time. Doesn’t matter what problem you’re facing: be it carrying a big box up the stairs or talking to a girl you like – actively exploring options beyond the ones your mind automatically offers is the key to creativity.

5. Collaborate to grow

When I was a young creative in advertising, I wanted to do everything myself. I had a vision I wanted fulfilled exactly how I intended it and didn’t want anyone else involved to mess it up. When I would do that, my work would fall short of others' and I’d end up frustrated and exhausted. Collaboration is the key to create work that is greater than our own limited capabilities.

One of the most valuable lessons we can learn as creative professionals is that our objective is to make our work as good as it can possibly can be, not as good as we can make it on our own.

6. Watch "The Matrix"

I can't believe you've never seen this movie. Just so you know, “The Matrix” was an absolute turning point for computer programmers. Before “The Matrix” coders were nerds, after that they were heroes. “The Matrix” is one of the reasons why your profession is so hot right now. Know your history!

I hope this helps, bro. Good luck, and let me know how else I can help.

For everyone else reading this, leave a comment and let me know if you have any other advice for my brother.

November 6, 2014No Comments

3 Maxims of Creativity

Here's a thing or two creatives in advertising have to teach about creativity and idea-making. Created and written by Andy Fackrell, Regional Creative Director, DDB Group Asia Pacific, "The Idea Catchers" reminds people in our industry how valuable ideas are. As we see snippets of some of the most famous, most creative ideas of the last 30 years or so, the voice-over tells us those ideas are not great by accident.

The video is very advertising centric, and people in the ad industry will probably be touched. It is so specially for creatives – I count myself among them – who have seen their craft commoditized in more recent years. Within it, though, there are maxims of creativity the ad industry has proven true in its short history.

Here are 3 quotes from the video that are lessons on their own: Read more

June 29, 2014No Comments

Hi, my name is Leo Rosa Borges and I am a professional creative

In my 14 years in the ad industry I have learned a lot about creativity. I've learned from experience, from studying and from seeing creative people work. But the most important thing I learned about creativity is that it can help solve any kind of problem, not just client briefs. I've started this website to share my learnings and rogue theories in the hope of helping others be more creative – be it in advertising or not.


The ad industry is famous for a couple of things: creativity first and foremost. Ours just might be the fastest idea-generating industry in the world. Advertising agencies comes up with amazingly creative solutions for their clients on a regular basis. But the amount of creative ideas we generate every day is not reflected on what you see on the streets, on TV or online. For every idea that sees the light of day, there were probably a hundred plus decent alternatives that went to the trash. Which leads me to my second point.

The ad industry is also famous for its long working hours. 80-hour weeks is something we hear about often. Some of us just accept it and push through it. And it works. I dare say most of the world's top advertising creatives work very long hours day in and day out.

I'm not one of those guys.

We need to have a life outside advertising to get inspired and "cross-pollinate" our thinking. Otherwise you will keep having inbred ideas - that happens when all your inspiration comes from within advertising, and the results feel like something you've seen before.

But how do we escape the creative rat race? How can we still do great work and be successful without killing ourselves? What we need to do is to revisit our creative process, and there are a number of ways of doing it - both orthodox and otherwise.

Since I started my first job in advertising, I started looking for ways to work faster and better than everyone else. The things that help me be a better creative sometimes seem crazy or counter-intuitive. Sometimes it's just plain obvious.

Some stuff really works for me, and maybe it works for you too. It doesn't matter if you work in advertising or not, some of the ideas I'll share with you on this website may help you be better and more efficient with your creativity.

Leave me a comment below, let's discuss. Do you also think creative people can be brilliant and leave the office on time?


Learn the secrets to coming up with brilliant ideas.

And stop wasting so much time with re-work. Learn with some of the best ad creatives in the world, including CCOs, ECDs and CDs from top agencies.

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