For decades, India and Pakistan have faced geopolitical conflicts, but cricket has often served as a bridge between the two nations, fostering moments of shared passion and respect. Aptly named the "Common Ground," this innovative field embodies that long-standing cricket history while creating a space where both communities can come together.
"As the Marketing Director for Mountain Dew, I am excited to unveil the Common Ground at the iconic Sharjah Cricket Stadium. This initiative blends Indian and Pakistani cricket turf, symbolizing the unity and passion for cricket that connects us all. Mountain Dew is dedicated to bringing fans together, and the Common Ground exemplifies this mission."
- Mira Medhat, Head of Marketing in the Gulf region for PepsiCo.
To celebrate its launch, local UAE players held an inaugural match, uniting male and female cricketers and fans in their shared love for the game. The venue, steeped in history, echoed with the cheers of fans celebrating cricket’s power to connect, despite the nations' differences.
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